Articles posted by aan

Dampak Ketidakseimbangan Hara 01
apa yang terjadi jika keseimbangan hara tidak terjaga? salah satu hara yang terlalu tinggi dapat menyebabkan hara yang lainnya menjadi tertekan -…
Penyakit Bercak Daun 01
Bercak daun kelapa sawit merupakan penyakit yang umum dijumpai di pembibitan kelapa sawit, Lalu Bagaimana cara kerja fungisida Difenokonazoldan Propikonazol pada masa…
Description Additional Info How to Use Safety Information Mycosil helps lengthen the crop’s root networks, allowing it to absorb more nutrients. It…
Description Additional Info How to Use Safety Information Nitrofer is a biofertilizer based on the Azotobacter sp strain. It increases nitrogen supply…
Description Additional Info Bioferti is a biofertilizer based on the Pseudomonas sp strain. It increases phosphate availability in the soil by extracting…
Biological Agents; Agensi Hayati; Sulung Research; Citra Borneo; Research; Industri; Pertanian


Description Additional Info These soil-dwelling fungi form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, making them ideal as fungicide. Our Trichoderma products come from…
Biological Agents; Agensi Hayati; Sulung Research; Citra Borneo; Research; Industri; Pertanian


Description Additional Info Contains extracted Metarhizium sp, this biological insecticide helps control horn-beetles’s such as Oryctes rhinocerosand Calcosoma atlas. When it comes…
Biological Agents; Agensi Hayati; Sulung Research; Citra Borneo; Research; Industri; Pertanian


Description Additional Info Contains 3 x 106 conidiospores of Cordyceps militaris this product kills palm leaf-eating caterpillars by feeding off their tissues.…


Description Additional Info Contain 100% pollen from male flowers of our oil palms during the anthesis period, our pollen products help improve…
The research has been conducted in oil palm plantation on acid sulphate soils with Typic Sulfaquepts and Sulfic Endoaquepts soil type in…