Sulung Research Station (SRS) analytical laboratory provides accurate and consistent analysis. Our lab is manned by experienced researchers and equipped with the latest technology. The National Accreditation Committee (KAN) accredited our lab in 2016 , a reflection our commitment to uphold the highest standard in precision and fidelity.
What we tests:
- Plant tissue types
- Fertilizers (Organic and Anorganic)
- Soil
- Crude Palm Oil
- Water and waste

Analysis of plant tissue is useful to determine nutrients contained in a plant. SRS analytical laboratory is able to analyze macro and micro elements in plant tissues. The elements that SRS can analyze are:
- Nitrogen (N)
- Phosphorus (P)
- Potassium (K)
- Magnesium (Mg)
- Calcium (Ca)
- Copper (Cu)
- Zinc (Zn)
- Manganese (Mn)
- Iron (Fe)
- Boron (B)

Fertilizer analysis’s ultimate goal is to help determine the suitability of a fertilizer sample for use on a certain soil and plant. SRS analytical laboratory is able to analyze inorganic and organic fertilizers. Tests included under this category are:
Anorganic Fertilizer
- Urea
- Rock Phosphate (RP)
- Potassium Chloride
- Kieserite
- Dolomite
- Borate
- CuSO4
- ZnSO4

Soil analysis is meant to determine the nutrient content of a soil. The elements that SRS can analyze includes:
- pH H2O and pH KCl
- Texture
- Determination of cation arrangement (Mg Exchangable, Ca Exchangable, K Exchangable, Na Exchangable)
- Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
- Conductivity (DHL)
- Carbon Organic (C- Organic)
- Total Nitrogen
- Total Phosphorus (P)
- Total Potassium (K)
- Total Magnesium (Mg)
- Total Copper (Cu)
- Total Zinc (Zn)
- Total Manganese (Mn)
- Total Iron (Fe)
- Total Boron (B)

Analysis of crude palm oil is useful to determine the oil’s quality. SRS analytical laboratory can conduct up to 7 analyses on crude palm oil :
- Free Fat Acid (FFA)
- Water Level
- Deterioration of Bleachability Index (DOBI) and β.carotene

Analysis of waste is useful to determine whether the waste is safe to be returned to the environment. SRS analytical laboratory can analyze water and waste with the following parameters:
- Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
- Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
- pH
- Copper (Cu)
- Zinc (Zn)
- Conductivity (DHL)
- Total Nitrogen
- Phosphorus (P)
- Potassium (K)
- Magnesium (Mg)
- Calcium (Ca)
- Iron (Fe)
- Natrium (Na)
- Sludge Lever (TSS)